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Basics Of Mudlogging / Wellsite Geologist / Driller / Data Engineer / Trainee

Manual for Mud Loggers   
Basic For Mud Logging Content is given Below also download the file.

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Reservoir Rocks 
Petroleum Traps
Oil and Gas

Chapter 2 - Overview about Oilfields
Oil Fields Steps
1- Exploration
2- Drilling
3- Production

Chapter 3 - Drilling Rig Types
1-Cable Tool Rig
2- Rotary Drilling Rig
Land Rigs
Offshore Rigs

Chapter 4 - Drilling Rig Components
1- Power System
2- Hoisting System
3- Rotating System
4-Circulating System
5- Well Control System (BOP)

Chapter 5 - Drilling Rig Operations

  • Well Planning
  • Prepared Well location
  • Rig move
  • Rig up
  • Drilling Parameters
  • Drilling Status 
  • Wash and Reaming
  • Connection
  • Type of Drilling
  • Vertical Drilling
  • Directional Drilling
  • Mud Motor
  • RSS(Rotary Steerable Systems )
  • Causes of Directional Drilling
  • Survey
  • Tripping
  • RIH
  • POOH
  • Coring
  • Conventional Coring
  • Sidewall Coring
  • Well Logging
  • LWD
  • Wire Line
  • Quick Look Log Analysis
  • Casing
  • Functions of Casing
  • Casing Equipment
  • Casing Running Tools
  • Casing Operation
  • Casing While Drilling
  • Benefits of Casing While Drilling
  • Casing While Drilling Running tool
  • Cementing
  • Cement Tools
  • Cement Job
  • Multistage Cementing
  • Two Stage of Cement (DV-Tool)
  • Liner cement
  • New Hole
  • Formation Integrity Test (FIT)
  • Cement plug
  • Common Reasons for Cement Plug
  • Side-track
  • Rig Operation Summary

Chapter 6 - Mud Logging

  • Introduction about Mud Logging
  • Mud Logging Unit Equipment & Technology
  • 1-Geological Equipment's
  • 2-Gas System
  • 3-Mud logging Sensors
  • 4-Data Acquisition System
  • 5- Mud logging Soft Ware Programs
  • Lag Calculation
  • Lag Check
  • Samples Catching
  • Samples Description
  • Oil Shows
  • Final Well Data (Final)
  • Man Power in Mud logging unit
  • Duties and responsibilities of Mud Logger
  • Duties and responsibilities of Well Site Geologist
  • Duties and responsibilities for Mud logging Crew from start to finish

Chapter 7 - Well Problems

  • Lost circulation
  • Well kicks
  • Blowout
  • Washout of the drilling string
  • Twist Off
  • Stuck pipe
  • Fishing

For More Mud Logging Manuals Click Here For Geology Books Click Here

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