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SPSC SST General Category Solved Paper 18 Feb 2024

SPSC SST General Category 
Solved Paper 18 Feb 2024
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Secondary School Teacher (SST) Test

Date: 18-02-2024

40 mcqs

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Sindh madrasah tul Islam, Karachi was established on _________ by agha Hassan Ali Afandi.

  • 1st July, 1882
  • 1st July, 1883
  • 1st August, 1884
  • 1st September, 1885

Sir Syed Ahmed khan laid the foundation of a Persian school at:

  • Lucknow
  • Aligarh
  • Muradabad
  • Delhi

Which of the following is the nearest to the Gwadar Port?

  • Strait of Singapore
  • Strait of Hormus
  • Strait of Malacca
  • Suez Canal

Television centers of PTV were established in Karachi & Rawalpindi/Islamabad in:

  • 1955
  • 1959
  • 1963
  • 1967

Objectives resolution was passed by the constituent Assembly of Pakistan on:

  • December 12, 1947
  • March 12, 1948
  • March 12, 1949
  • December 12, 1950

The first nuclear power plant was set up at Karachi in _______.

  • 1971
  • 1972
  • 1973
  • 1974

Who gave the tittle of “Quaid e Azam” to Muhammad Ali Jinnah?

  • Moulana Mazharuddin Shaheed
  • Liaqat Ali Khan
  • Sir Allama Iqbal
  • Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar

When Dr. Sir Muhammad Iqbal Delivered the presidential address in the annual session of All India Muslim League?

  • 20th November 1930 at Allahabad
  • 26th December 1930 at Allahabad
  • 29th December 1930 at Allahabad
  • 30th November 1930 at Allahabad

Who Served the shortest tenure as prime Minister of Pakistan?

  • Feroz khan Noon
  • Nurul Amin
  • Muhammad Ali Bhogra
  • Hussain Shaheed Suharwardi

The 18th Amendment in the Constitution received the assent of the Presidents on:

  • 20th April 2009
  • 19th April 2010
  • 21st April 2011
  • 22nd April 2012

What does the term "political rights" include?

  • The right to own a property
  • The right to vote and participate in government
  • The right to play a sports
  • The right to drive a car

In addition to civics, which social science explores the economic aspects of society?

  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • History
  • Geography

What docs sovereignty refer to in the context of the state?

  • The state of being physically fit
  • The supreme authority and power to govern
  • A type of currency
  • The ability to play a musical instrument.

What term is used to describe a family consisting of parents and their children?

  • Extended family
  • Nuclear family
  • Blended family
  • Single parent family

What is the role of the state in international relations?

  • Participating in global dance competitions
  • Establishing diplomatic relations and treatics with other nations
  • Organizing local music festivals
  • Controlling the global economy

What is the primary goal of the welfare state?

  • To enforce strict laws
  • To maximize individual wealth
  • To promote the well-being and social security of the its citizens
  • To regulate the fashion industry

How does sovereignty relate to the ability to make and enforce laws?

  • Sovereignty limits the power to make laws
  • Sovereignty grants the authority to make and enforce laws.
  • Laws are solely determined by international bodies
  • Laws are dictated by religious institutions


What role do non-government organizations (NGOs) play in shaping the concept of global citizenship?

  • NGOs have no impact on global citizenship
  • NGOs advocate for exclusive national citizenship
  • NGOs promote global citizenship by fostering international cooperation and addressing global issues
  • NGOs focus solely on economic matters

 How docs the concept of cultural relativism impact the universality of human rights?

  • Cultural relativism promotes universal rights
  • Cultural relativism challenges the universality of human rights by emphasizing cultural diversity and differing values
  • The concept of cultural relativism Is Irrelevant to human rights
  • Cultural relativism restricts human rights to specific cultural context

In a constitutional monarchy, what is the role of the monarch?

  • To hold absolute power
  • To serve as the head of government
  • To perform ceremonial duties while real political power is held by elected officials
  • To enforce laws through military authority

Mountains would breack by the miracle of which prophet?

  • Hazrat issa (AS)
  • Hazrat Yaqoob (AS)
  • Hazrat Musa (AS)
  • Hazrat Yahya (AS)

Who was the first muslim among the slaves?

  • Hazrat Zaib bin Sabit (RA)
  • Hazrat Zaid bin Haris (RA)
  • Hazrat Bilal (RA)
  • None of the these

Sumayyah bint Khayyat was the ___

  • First to accept islam
  • First Martyr of Islam
  • First woman to participate in battle
  • First woman to learn holy quran by Heart

Bait e Rizwan was taken from muslims by prophet (PBUH) for taking revenge of ___

  • Hazrat Umer (RA)
  • Hazrat Ali (RA)
  • Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
  • Hazrat Usman (RA)

Which battle was fought after the conquest of Mecca?

  • Tabouk
  • Hunain
  • Moota
  • Ahzab

Hazrat Ruqiah (RA), daughter of prophet (PBUH) died on the day of which battle?

  • Badr
  • Tabouk
  • Ahud
  • Hunain

In which hijri year, Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA) died?

  • 10 Hijri
  • 12 Hijri
  • 13 Hijri
  • 14 Hijri

In which Hijri Year, Hazrat Ali (RA) was matyred?

  • 39
  • 40
  • 41
  • 44

Hazrat Abu bakr paid for land of which of the following mosque?

  • Masjid e Quba
  • Masjid e Nabvi
  • Masjid e Qiblateen
  • Masjid e Koofa

Hazrat Umar (RA) embraced islam, influence by which surah of holy Quran?

  • Surah Taha
  • Surah Yaseen
  • Surah Fateh
  • Surah Almaedah

Synonym of “Pristine” is:

  • Dirty
  • Pure
  • Grimy
  • Charming

Which of the following is correctly spelled?

  • Dysfunction
  • Divinition
  • Destatution
  • Divursion

Choose the correct meaning of the Idiom/Phrase” “Over-egg the pudding”:

  • Add unnecessary details to make something seem better or worse
  • Fill the pudding excessively with egg
  • Add more pudding than eggs
  • Honest opinion

Choose the correct meaning of the Idiom/Phrase” “Ruffle somebody’s feather”:

  • Gamble
  • Escape responsibility
  • Annoy somebody
  • Show contempt for

One word substitution “ that which can be drunk”:

  • Edible
  • Palatable
  • Potable
  • Culpable

One word substitution “ A group of houses generally smaller than a village”:

  • Community
  • Large settlement
  • Hamlet
  • Colony

The wayfarer said to me, “do you know the way to the ABC village? (Identify the indirect speech)

  • The wayfarer asked me if I knew the way to the ABC Village.
  • The wayfarer asked me if he knew the way to the ABC Village
  • The wayfarer asked me that if I knew the way to the ABC Village
  • The wayfarer asked me if I did know the way to the ABC Village


The spectators applauded the young athlete saying that he had broken all previous records. (identify the direct speech);

  • The spectators exclaimed to the young atlete, “you have broken all records”
  • The spectators said to the young athlete, “you broke all records”
  • The spectators said to the young athlete, “you had broken all records”
  • The spectators said to the young athlete, “Bravo! You have broken all records”


The historical society built the museum (change the voice)

  • The Museum was built by the historical society
  • The museum was being built by the historical society
  • The museum has been built by the historical society
  • The museum is built by the historical society

Every disaster affected victim has been compensated by the government. (change the voice)

  • The government has compensated every disaster affected victim
  • The government had compensated every disaster affected victim
  • The government has been compensating every disaster affected victim
  • The government have been compensating every disaster affected victim

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